Is it over yet?
I think we can all agree that this year really stunk—from the cancelled vacations and events to wide-spread job loss, business closures,...

Living the COVID Lifestyle
With the spike in Canada's COVID cases, again, we are being asked to consider restricting our movements and possibly even another...

Learned Helplessness
Even though this is a societal issue, we all have to make our own choices based on our unique set of circumstances.

I’m not racist, but…
I knew it was wrong but couldn’t understand why it was happening.

Staying Healthy During COVID-19
With the COVID-19 pandemic fully upon us, many people are starting to feel the effects of these uncertain times. There is a good chance...

Transitioning to Working from Home amid COVID-19
I believe that having some normalcy, predictability, and structure in each day, especially when blurring the lines between work and home, ar

Covid-19 Anxiety Strategies
"This is a health issue that has some very smart people working on a solution. They will find it."

More Tips for the Kitchen
"...functional changes we can make in the kitchen environment that will make the action of cooking and cleaning much less stressful...&

Hurry Home for Dinner
Call me a Grinch, but I am glad the holidays are over. I love my friends and family so much, but as an introvert, this time of year is...

Shrink Holiday Gift Giving Guide
With American Thanksgiving upon us, it seems that the rush to buy a happy holiday is on. If you have children it can be a challenge to...